A satirical comedy that lovingly skewers the popular tropes of the 90s teen sitcom, ZACH introduces us to the lives and loves of two teens of color at an affluent, majority-white Southern Californian high school. P.J., a lovesick surfer boy, and Gina, a budding fashionista, are overjoyed when they're invited into the inner circle of Zach, the white, charismatic, prank-happy new kid at school. But when Zach plans a prank that goes too far, P.J. and Gina must race to stop him before it's too late - and along the way, learn to see their peers, and themselves, with fresh eyes.
CAST: 1F, 1M
RUNTIME: 90 mins
"There are multiple layers to St. Croix's story...I was trapped by this '90s nostalgia trip, and I left ready for the next episode."
- The Seattle Times
"If you are looking for a funny, joyful, and important story, 'Zach' is the way to go!"
- TeenTix
"A witty, nostalgic and challenging piece."
- ArtsWave